Our PURPOSE : To love, teach, guide, and support a spiritual community in creating and living a life they love
using Science of Mind and Spirit principles and practices.
Our VISION: Center for Spiritual Living St. George is a community-focused Center actively living, sharing,
and nurturing its members and friends so that all may live their best lives.
Our MISSION: CSLSG is is an open, inclusive, and evolving spiritual community that supports its
Purpose and Vision through:
*Sacred Wisdom Celebrations
*Empowering, Transformative Education
*Youth and Young Adult Programs
*Dynamic Music Ministry
*Community In-reach
*Community Out-reach
We are part of a global community!
We are part of a global community!
Centers for Spiritual Living™ promotes the study and practice of Science of Mind® and Spirit which holds that all life is sacred—that each human being is an expression of God. Our teachings incorporate the ancient wisdom of spiritual traditions through the ages. We help people experience a personal relationship with the creator; promote a community of tolerance, understanding and respect; provide classes, programs, prayer and meditation; and advocate a safe spiritual community of like-minded people interested in living a spiritual life. For more info, visit https://www.csl.org
Meet our senior minister -
Rev. Joe Kovach!
Meet our senior minister -
Rev. Joe Kovach!

Rev. Joe Kovach is a passionate speaker with a great sense of humor. He also facilitates inspiring and empowering workshops leading others to recognize their own magnificence which, in turn, leads to more joyful and productive lives, benefiting everyone! He is a Licensed Practitioner Centers for Spiritual Living, a certified “DreamBuilder Coach,” as well as a successful counselor, small business owner, Master level Reiki Healer, and licensed Wedding Minister in the state of Nevada.
Joe’s favorite saying “Carpe Diem,” means “Seize the Day!” He specializes in guiding and supporting people who are feeling stuck and dissatisfied with their lives, make the necessary changes to maximize their life experience. Joe’s believes everything in life is spiritual, because Spirit is Life Joe has already successfully helped teenagers, adults, and even incarcerated inmates live from a greater awareness and a greater expression of themselves.
Joe Kovach lives in the Las Vegas, Nevada area with his wife and two children. He enjoys keeping a healthy and balanced mind-body-soul connection by spending quality time with his family; attending weekly services at Centers for Spiritual Living of Southern Nevada, reading inspirational books, watching videos and attending classes/workshops that are spiritually inspiring and empowering, loves playing and coaching ice hockey, going to the gym and meditating.
An Introduction to Our New Staff Minister
Reverend Rachael Dilling
With a passion for helping others and a deep commitment to spiritual growth, Rachael Dilling is a dedicated hospice chaplain, licensed CSL minister, and also owns an independent living home for senior women based in Las Vegas. Her educational background in Workforce Education and Consciousness studies serves as the foundation for her work in providing comfort and guidance to those in need. In addition to her professional pursuits, Rachael cherishes time spent with her family and friends, enjoying good food and meaningful conversations. Her holistic approach to caregiving and spiritual guidance sets her apart as a compassionate and insightful leader in her community.

*Click on an image to send an email directly to a specific leader
Sue Fullmer, RScP
Christopher McArdle, RScP
The Core Council is a member-elected body to conduct the secular and business activities, and manage the affairs of the Center. The Council consists of five to seven members and the Senior Minister. Members of the Core Council must be members of the Center in good standing, have taken at least one Foundations class or an equivalent as approved by the Senior Minister, be an identified contributor to the Center, and be capable of carrying out all of the duties and obligations of a Core Council member.
Mary Klein, RScP
Bill Smith, RScP
Sue Fullmer, RScP
Stephanie Starrett, RScP
Licensed practitioners can help you anchor the Truth in your personal consciousness, whether you’re facing challenges or celebrating successes. They support others in creating healthy, vibrant, fulfilling lives. They strive to heal themselves and others through the recognition of the creative power within us all and the use of positive affirmative prayer. Practitioners are licensed by Centers for Spiritual Living. They are bound by a code of ethics to respect your privacy. Their work is based in Science of Mind founder Ernest Holmes’s transformational work. The principle that guides them is that God is all there is, and that the Universe works by a system of predictable spiritual laws. Click on an image to send an email directly to a specific Practitioner to inquire about services and availability.